online test

Frequently Asked Questions

I am 17 years old. Can I get a car driving license?

At the age of 17, minors can obtain a car and moped driving license, provided that they are always accompanied by a co-driver.

How long does it take to obtain a driving license?

The process of obtaining a driving license takes 3 months on average.

Is it mandatory to attend the theoretical course?

Attending the theoretical course on the Highway Code is, of course, mandatory by law, and learners should attend classes in order to have a
comprehensive and reliable training.
Learners must first familiarize themselves with the theoretical part of the driving course for a smooth transition to practical training.

I have taught myself to drive… Is it mandatory to do all practical driving lessons according to the law?

Regardless of how much one may know before entering the legal process of obtaining a driving license… the school has to train drivers in accordance with the provisions of the law.

What if I pay for the license in advance?

Under no circumstances do we accept advance payments that do not correspond to the services we provide… We are paid in a staggered manner
up to the point where you obtain your driving license, according to the services we offer to you!!!

Can I take driving lessons in my own vehicle?

Under no circumstances can the candidate train in a vehicle that is not approved for training… This involves safety risks for learners themselves, as well as their instructors!!!